Prenatal Care

Prenatal Nutrition


Infant and Child Nutrition

Infant and Child Care Andrea Merino, RN, Certified Sleep Consultant Infant and Child Care Andrea Merino, RN, Certified Sleep Consultant

Understanding Sleep Regressions in the First Year: What to Expect and How to Cope

Sleep regressions can be one of the most challenging aspects of parenthood, especially in the first year. Just when you think you’ve got your baby’s sleep routine figured out, they suddenly start waking up more often, fighting naps, or struggling to fall asleep. Understanding what sleep regressions are and how to manage them can help you navigate these tough phases with confidence and ease.

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Lactation Rhiannon Phillips, RN, IBCLC Lactation Rhiannon Phillips, RN, IBCLC

Expecting twins? A Mini Guide to Breastfeeding Multiples

So, you just found out you’re expecting, and surprise! You go to your first ultrasound and find out it’s twins! Double the cuteness, double the excitement, and double the feeding. If you planned on breastfeeding your baby, the idea of breastfeeding two babies might feel even more daunting and maybe impossible. Here’s some important information to consider in planning for breastfeeding multiples!

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Infant and Child Care Brooke Brimmer, MN, RN Infant and Child Care Brooke Brimmer, MN, RN

13 Things You Need to Know as Your Child Starts Crawling and Cruising

It’s a very exciting milestone when you get to watch them start crawling while they improve their balance, speed and coordination! But when it comes to preparing your home (and life), check out our top 13 things you need to know and prepare your home for when your child starts crawling and cruising around.

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