Nutrition Counselling

Understand your nutrition for every Lifestage, from preconception to caring for your baby

Whether you’ve recently started trying to conceive or you’ve welcomed your bundle of joy into the world, our specialized registered dietitian is here to provide you with personalized care and support to help you and your baby achieve the best health possible.

No matter what stage of the game you and your baby are in, contact our team today to start learning about the changes that will support your best health during this important time in your life.

Pregnant woman in kitchen

Nutrition for New & Expectant Mama

Supporting fertility and preconception nutrition

Managing pregnancy related symptoms

Supporting and improving energy levels

Supporting postpartum recovery

Supporting breastfeeding nutrition needs

Managing various conditions that may impact fertility including PCOS, endometriosis, IBS, or hypothyroidism

Nutrition for all stages of pregnancy

Managing pregnancy related health conditions such as gestational diabetes or gestational hypertension

… and more!

Baby starting solid foods eating in high chair

Nutrition for Your Baby & Child

Assessing nutritional needs

Managing various medical conditions or concerns

Introducing allergens 

Baby-led weaning

Managing feeding difficulties

Managing food refusal or “picky eating”

Education on age-appropriate feeding practice

Recommendations for best feeding practices (breastfeeding, formula, introduction to solids)

… and more!

Do you have questions about our nutrition services?

We’re here to answer your questions! Book a complimentary 15-minute meet & greet call to learn more about our services and if this is the right fit for your needs.