Changing Baby Diapers: All The Details You'll Need

Diapers and everything you need to know about changing diapers

Did you know that, when a baby is born, their tummy is about the size of a cherry? It grows rapidly to the size of a walnut by day 3, an apricot by day 5, and an egg by the end of one week. The amount they feed and the number of diapers they require changing will correspond to this.

But how do you know if your baby is getting enough to eat?

Their output, both pees and poops, are often a great indication of their level of hydration, in addition to their weight gain. The general rule of thumb for diapers up to 3 weeks old:

  • Day 1 – At least 1 wet and 1 black or dark green soiled diaper

  • Day 2 – At least 2 wet and 2 black or dark green soiled diapers

  • Day 3 – At least 3 wet and 3 brown, green or yellow soiled diapers

  • Day 4 – At least 4 wet and 3 brown, green or yellow soiled diapers

  • Day 5 to 3 weeks old – At least 6 wet and 3 yellow, seedy soiled diapers

Here are some diaper changing tips from the experts:

  • Breastfed babies may poop less regularly, which is not cause for concern unless they have not pooped for 5 days, their poop is pebble-like, or they seem uncomfortable

  • Vaseline and diaper cream can help prevent rashes, as well as keep poop from sticking to the skin (which is especially important in the first few days when their poop is dark and sticky)

  • With boys, cover their penises with a face cloth or wipe during diaper changes to avoid an unwanted shower and point their penises down when putting on a diaper

  • For girls, always wipe from front to back

  • Do not tuck your newborn’s umbilical cord into their diaper; fold the diaper under the cord to allow it to dry and fall off, as well as to prevent infection

  • The yellow line on the front of most disposable diapers will turn blue when the diaper is wet, signaling it’s time to change the diaper


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