Prenatal Care

Prenatal Nutrition


Infant and Child Nutrition

Infant and Child Nutrition Bradie Hutton, MHSc, RD Infant and Child Nutrition Bradie Hutton, MHSc, RD

Has Your Toddler Started to Refuse Foods? Here are Our Top 3 Tips for Food Acceptance

Is your toddler refusing to eat foods that they previously accepted well, and even seemed to enjoy? This is a huge struggle that many parents face and can truly put you to the test. The good news is that there are steps you can take as a parent to support your child in becoming a well-rounded eater. Here are our top tips.

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Infant and Child Nutrition Bradie Hutton, MHSc, RD Infant and Child Nutrition Bradie Hutton, MHSc, RD

5 Dietitian-Recommended Tips for a Healthier Halloween for Your Child

Halloween is just around the corner! Have you thought about how you’re going to manage treat season with your children? As a parent, I’m sure you have felt the stress over needing to limit how much candy your child eats. However, this can do more harm than good. Here are 5 tips for navigating treat foods!

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