Mixed Berry Breakfast Crumble Recipe

Mixed berry crumble breakfast recipe

Looking for a warm breakfast to start your day as the weather gets colder? Try out our delicious mixed berry crumble for a balanced option. This high-fibre breakfast will be sure to keep you satisfied until lunch time.

Baked breakfasts are a super convenient option to feed the whole family in one go. As an alternative, they can also be a great strategy to meal prep your breakfasts for the whole work week.

Mixed Berry Breakfast Crumble

Yield: 4 portions



  • 1 cup large flake oats

  • 3 tbsp whole wheat flour

  • 2 tbsp hemp hearts

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • ⅓ cup chopped pecans

  • 3 tbsp maple syrup

  • 2 tbsp melted butter


  • 4 cups frozen mixed berries

  • 2 tbsp whole wheat flour


  • Greek yogurt


  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Prepare a baking dish with a non-stick cooking spray of choice.

  2. Mix together all dry topping ingredients. Once mixed, add in the maple syrup and melted butter. Then, set the topping mixture aside.

  3. In a mixing bowl, toss the mixed berries and whole wheat flour together.

  4. Add the berry mixture into the prepared baking dish. Top with the crumble mixture.

  5. Bake in the oven for 45 minutes, until the topping is golden brown.

  6. Serve topped with plain greek yogurt. Enjoy!

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