Prenatal Care

Prenatal Nutrition


Infant and Child Nutrition

Prenatal Care The PUSH Team Prenatal Care The PUSH Team

One Size Does NOT Fit All For A Healthy Pregnancy

Congratulations! You’re pregnant. The day you’ve been waiting for. We know that taking care of your health needs and the health needs of your growing bundle of joy is extremely important to you. We also know that a quick Google search can leave your head spinning with less clarity than you had before. Read more to learn how to navigate prenatal information.

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Prenatal Care Brooke Brimmer, MN, RN Prenatal Care Brooke Brimmer, MN, RN

Our PUSH Prenatal Program© is Revolutionizing Prenatal and Childbirth Education

Having worked in maternal child health care for my entire career, I’ve seen first-hand the knowledge and education gaps that exist for first-time parents when it comes to labour, birth and the transition into postpartum, including caring for their newborn. The PUSH Prenatal Program is designed to revolutionize prenatal education— here’s what makes our program stand out.

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Prenatal Care Rebecca Keller, RN, CLC Prenatal Care Rebecca Keller, RN, CLC

How Your Partner Can Offer Support During Pregnancy

Partner support during pregnancy is so important for many reasons. For one, it helps to strengthen your relationship and teamwork skills, which will come in handy when your new baby arrives. It also promotes both yours and your baby’s mental and physical health and well-being. Here are some ways your partner can offer support.

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Prenatal Care Rebecca Keller, RN, CLC Prenatal Care Rebecca Keller, RN, CLC

Tips For Safe Travel During Pregnancy

Whether you’re taking a relaxing babymoon, planning a big family vacation for the summer, or heading on a business trip— travelling while pregnant can certainly conjure up some questions. We’re here to highlight a few key considerations to help make your trip as stress-free as possible!

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