Prenatal Care

Prenatal Nutrition


Infant and Child Nutrition

Lactation Rhiannon Phillips, RN, IBCLC Lactation Rhiannon Phillips, RN, IBCLC

Milk Before Baby: All About Antenatal Colostrum Collection

As you prepare to welcome your new baby into the world, there are many things to consider and decisions to make. More and more parents are incorporating antenatal colostrum collecting, also known as colostrum harvesting, into their prenatal plans. Here’s what you need to know about milk before baby.

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Prenatal Nutrition Bradie Hutton, MHSc, RD Prenatal Nutrition Bradie Hutton, MHSc, RD

4 Tips for Managing Morning Sickness During Pregnancy from a Registered Dietitian

When you’ve been trying to get pregnant and you finally see that little line on the test you first feel overwhelming excited. This is followed closely by that pesky little thing we call ‘morning sickness’. Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy typically start around week 6. So, what can be done to help manage this unpleasant pregnancy symptom?

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Mama Stories Brooke Brimmer, MN, RN Mama Stories Brooke Brimmer, MN, RN

Nursing in Northern Canada

One of our Perinatal nurses just came back from 3 months working as a nurse in Northern Canada, in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. While there she discovered a few big differences that might make you think. Here is a Q&A with Brooke about her experience.

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