Prenatal Care

Prenatal Nutrition


Infant and Child Nutrition

Mama Care Diane Rizzardo, Registered Physiotherapist Mama Care Diane Rizzardo, Registered Physiotherapist

Top 4 Ways to Re-Connect to Your Core Postpartum

Whether you’ve experienced a vaginal or cesarean birth you might start to notice that you're feeling weak or disconnected to your core after giving birth. Don’t worry this is extremely common and we have some tips on how to find your core connection again. Here are 4 steps you can take to re-connect to your core postpartum.

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Mama Care Rebecca Keller, RN, CLC Mama Care Rebecca Keller, RN, CLC

4 Postpartum Exercise Tips for Expectant & New Moms

A common myth with pregnancy is physical exercise may result in adverse outcomes. However, exercising during pregnancy is associated with a range of benefits. In fact it can help prevent complications! It can also have benefits for postpartum. Here’s everything you need to know.

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